How to Apply

How To Apply

Application to Iranian Universities for Persian Language courses or academic fields is regulated through a centralized system at the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology So, you have to fill out the application form there first, and then give us your reference number, your CV and a copy of first page of your passport, so we can complete your registration and visa application.

Required Documents

1. a clear and high resolution scan of the bio-page of applicant's passport;
2. the passport must be valid for at least 6 months and have two blank pages;
3. a recent passport-size photograph (3*4 and not exceeding 50kb);
4. your last academic diploma or transcripts (not exceeding 100kb);
(In case you plan to study at a university towards an academic degree, the diploma and/or transcripts must be notarized by the Iranian Embassy in your country; for Persian language courses, this is not required);
5. an updated curriculum vitae (not exceeding 100kb).

Since the registration website is updated regularly, there may be additional required documents. If and when this happens, we will update the information on this page.

Documents ready? Take the following steps

1. Completed the registration  

2. after the completion of your registration, you will get a reference number;
3. email your reference number and CV to;
4. in your email, mention the location where you plan to pick up your visa;
Note: to avoid any delays in your registration process, please make sure all the information required on SAORG is provided.
5. the Consular Services at Shiraz University will complete the application on your behalf; incomplete application forms will not be processed;
6. when the visa is issued (within 3 months after application) you will receive an email from us with a visa code;
7. present the visa code along with your passport to the Iranian Embassy you specified in your application;
8. pick up your student visa and schedule arrival in Shiraz.

Next Step

Please make sure you inform us of your arrival date and time and whether you need to be picked up at the airport. This can be arranged a couple of weeks before your departure. We will book your preferred accommodation and arrange to pick you up at the airport, if needed.

After you arrive in Shiraz, the first thing you need to do is to visit us at the Center to:
1. To meet us in person so we can introduce you to all our friendly lecturers and administrators;
2. To complete your registration;
3. To participate to workshop "introduce shiraz university".

Please fill free to contact us at if you encounter any problems in the registration process.