How to communicate with the support of the exams of the faculty of electronic education

Dear professors and students of the Faculty of Electronic Education, we request you to carefully read the important instructions and reminders that are presented to you in the continuation of this notice before the beginning of the exams, so that, God forbid, technical problems cause you to lose your concentration and time during your exams. If you need technical support during your exams, please call 07136132687 during office hours and on non-holiday days, and during non-office hours and on holidays or when you are unable to contact technical support, call the first number; Please call 07136132920 or 07136132222. (At the same time, any desk software should preferably be installed on your system so that the expert can understand the problem faster and help)


Please read the provided guides carefully before participating in the exams so that you don't have any problems.

Note 1: Leave the uploading of the answers to the questions at the last moment and note that the time needed to upload the mentioned items is also a part of the exam time and the teacher may not accept the answers sent by you after the exam time is over, and it is your right, dear ones to be spoiled.

Note 2: If for any reason you did not manage to send the answer file or files by the appointed time, immediately and at the first opportunity send the files to the teacher (course page, correspondence with the teacher) and a copy to the education manager (Ms. Yazdani's office) and explain the reason for your delay in sending the answer file so that the appropriate decision is made by the teacher and the course.

If the file is sent to the education manager, the file will not be opened by the education manager, and only if the teacher requests a report from the education, the report of the file sent by the student will be sent to the teacher.

Note 3: Preferably use the available software or sites to convert JPG files to PDF (the best case is the availability of a scanner and photo to PDF conversion software)

Note 4: Make a phone call only in case of emergency and if there is a need for quick action, and follow up your frequently asked questions by reviewing the help files and frequently asked questions, and finally follow up online chat.

I hope all dear students pass the final exams successfully and happily.


Management of online exams of the Faculty of Electronic Education

Dr. Nik Sarasht